Discourse on International Law and International Relations: Critical Global Issues of Our Time. Selected Writings and Lectures of Professor Max Hilaire, Ph.D.

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Max Hilaire is distinguished professor of International Law and International Relations, with expertise in Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law, United Nations Law, and United States Foreign Relations Law. Professor has published a number of books and scholarly articles on a wide range of topical International Law issues. Professor Hilaire is a two time Fulbright Scholar (Nigeria and the Czech Republic). He has lectured in over fifty countries. He is currently Professor & Chair of the Department of Political Science at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Z recenze hlavního obhájce při Mezinárodním trestním soudu – Chief Charles A. Taku
“Discourse on International Law and International Relations; Critical Global Issues of Our Time, provides a critical analysis and understanding of the complex issues that the Post world War II contemporary world has misdiagnosed, misunderstood, mismanaged or ideologically exploited to the detriment of the founding objectives of the United Nations Organization. The ambitious objectives, challenges and limitations of this multilateral legal architecture are carefully highlighted and analyzed in the series of lectures contained in this book. The lectures are fascinating, educative, incisive and provocative.
International Organizations, sovereign states, International Organizations, multinational corporations, policy makers, diplomats, law professors, Judges, International Law Practitioners, Students of Political Science and Law students will find this book an invaluable source of reference.“
Chief Charles A. Taku, a lead defense counsel at the International Criminal Court
Z recenze doc. JUDr. PhDr. Veroniky Bílkové, Ph.D., E.MA.
“Unity in Diversity – the official motto of the European Union could also serve as a key word describing prof. Hilaire’s new book. Despite the diversity of events, topics and questions that the book covers, there are certain common threads that go through its chapters, giving them unity and coherence. Those threads encompass genuine belief in international law, concern for the challenges that this law encounters in the current world, and cautious but lasting optimism that these challenges may be overcome. All the chapters are, furthermore, linked together by a combined use of approaches typical of international law doctrine and of international relations theory. The book thus makes a very helpful and interesting read not only because of the attractive topics it deals with and the controversial questions it raises, but also because of the methodology it adopts and the overall message it sends. Such a book was long due and I am really pleased that it is finally here.”
Associate Professor Veronika Bílková, Institute of International Relations Prague, Czech Republic
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