Czech Health Law

Balíček - Tištěná kniha + E-kniha Smarteca + soubory ke stažení
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The book provides an up-to-date English-language summary and analysis of health law in the Czech Republic, allowing readers to get acquainted with the basic principles, structure and rules of health care’s legal framework. It covers the fundamental terminology, domestic and international sources of health law, the organisation of health care, qualification of health service providers, professional standards, informed consent and the patients’ capacity, the rights and obligations of the providers and patients, confidentiality, medical records, the role of medical associations and the essentials of public health insurance. In addition, it also outlines the current debates on various sensitive issues, such as legal protection of the body and its parts, medical research, assisted reproduction, termination of care etc. A special part is devoted to liability and responsibility of health service providers. Illustrative excerpts from contemporary case law of Czech courts are offered throughout the text. The book is intended not only for lawyers and law students, but also any others who wish to become familiar with the Czech legal framework of professional health care.
Od stejných autorů nabízíme analýzu českého zdravotnického systému a práva v češtině ZDE >>
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