General Meeting of a joint-stock company

This monograph presents an analysis of the legal regulation of the General Meeting of a joint-stock company under the current legal system of the Czech Republic as contained in Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on commercial companies and cooperatives (the Business Corporations Act), as amended by Act No. 33/2020 Coll. (effective from 1 January 2021).
The basis of the work is an analysis of the applicable legislation, taking into account the applicable field-specific literature and case law. In view of the large number of special laws that modify to varying degrees the general legal regulation of the General Meeting contained in the Business Corporations Act, which would extend the scope of this work in a totally disproportionate manner, only the general legal regulation of the General Meeting of a joint-stock company contained in the Business Corporations Act is discussed, and no special regulations are taken into account.
The work is written in civil law terms, without overlapping into public law. In doing so, the principles of scientific work, as well as the need to make the work understandable to the wider legal community, are respected.
In addition, it cannot be overlooked that foreign shareholders of Czech joint-stock companies are far from always speaking the Czech language. Although there are no statistics available indicating how many foreign natural persons and legal entities are shareholders of Czech joint-stock companies, it seems nevertheless expedient to provide them with a book publication on the legal regulation of the General Meeting of a joint-stock company in the lingua franca of modern business, namely in English.
The full text of the book can be downloaded for free in the section: Ke stažení
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