Managing Copyright: Emerging Business Models in the Individual and Collective Management of Rights

Balíček - Tištěná kniha + E-kniha Smarteca + soubory ke stažení
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Managing Copyright brings together prominent contributors in a collection of academic papers as well as business oriented reports which encompasses our current knowledge in the field of collective management of authors’ and related rights. This volume, published in cooperation with the Association littéraire et artistique internationale, is an output of the 2019 ALAI Congress held in Prague where scholars and practitioners met to discuss outstanding issues related to collective management.
In the book, the reader finds large studies by well-known copyright scholars (Gervais, Drexl, Nérisson, Synodinou, Ficsor, Axhamn and others) and reports on every issue in this highly dynamic field of copyright law.
The book is essential for policy makers, scholars and practitioners in the field of collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights around the globe if they want to keep pace with the new developments in the field.
- Extensive report on dozens of national laws on collective management of rights
- Conflict of laws, the music industry and collective management
- European and global comparison of different national regulatory approaches
- Reports on experience and transposition of the EU Collective Management Directive
- Presentation of alternative models of copyright management, independent management entities and beyond
- Reciprocal agreements between collective management organizations
- Regulation of competition in the copyright administration
- Territoriality, cyberspace, metadata, geoblocking and digital content portability
- Tariff litigation
- Outline of future policy development (WIPO, EU and individual countries)
- Getting informed about current research problems, policy considerations and regulatory challenges in collective management
- Overview of national legislations from dozens of countries and all continents
- Combination of scholarly studies and business-oriented reports from the industry insiders
Kniha shrnuje současný stav poznání v oblasti kolektivní správy autorských práv a práv souvisejících a zároveň reflektuje praktické výzvy, kterým tato dynamická disciplína v dnešní době čelí. Obsahuje rozsáhlé studie známých autorů v oblasti autorského práva (Gervais, Drexl, Nérisson, Synodinou, Ficsor, Axhamn a dalších) a je vydávána společně s ALAI ČR, českou pobočkou Mezinárodní učené společnosti pro zkoumání autorského práva v návaznosti na mezinárodní kongres ALAI, který se konal v roce 2019 v Praze.
Svazek by neměl chybět v knihovně žádného akademika či praktika po celém světě, kteří se zaměřují na tuto oblast, pokud chtějí držet krok s novými vývoji v této oblasti.
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