European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics

Ke stažení
- European Studies_1_2014
- European Studies_2_ 2015
- European_Studies_3_2016
- European_Studies_4_2017
- European Studies_5_ 2018
- European_Studies_6_2019
- European_Studies_7_2020
- European_Studies_8_2021
- European Studies_9_ 2022_Issue_1
- European Studies_9_ 2022_Issue_2
- European_studies_10_2023_Issue_1
- European Studies_10_2023_Issue_2
Počet stran
Typ produktu
About the Journal
European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics is a peer-reviewed periodical in the form of year-book of the Czech Association for European Studies and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in EU Law at Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc. The presented journal reflects the interdisciplinary character of this scientific society, therefore it does not limit to only one discipline within the European studies, but on the contrary, it pursues for a multi-disciplinary approach and analysis of various aspects of the European integration. That is why the concept of the journal accounts with the scientific articles and expertise not only from the field of European law, but also from European economy, European political science, EC/EU history and other relevant disciplines relating to the analysis of supranational entities as well.
It is important to highlight especially the multinational dimension of the year-book. In particular, we mean the fact that the “European Studies…” journal serves as a forum for the exchange of scientific opinions, research analyses, reviews on new important publications, and other relevant information from European studies disciplines for authors and readers all over the world, which enables the better reflection of the diversity of opinions and approaches.
The multinational character of the concept of the journal is enhanced by the composition of the Editorial board itself, which involves leading experts from the different countries all over the world.
Publication Ethics rules of the European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics are based on the Best practice guidelines for journal editors and Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing developed by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).
European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics is indexed as a peer-review journal by SCOPUS and in the European Reference Index for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHplus).
More information about the journal including instructions to prospective authors see the web of journal at:
Archive of all volumes and separate papers is available here:
ISSN 1805-8809 (Print), eISSN 2464-6695 (Online)
Chief Editor:
Assoc. Prof. et Assoc. Prof. Naděžda ŠIŠKOVÁ, Ph.D.; nadezda.siskova(at)
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